Our Blog / Blog Posts / Meet Nthabiseng Mohapi – Programme Manager at Outward Bound South Africa

Meet Nthabiseng Mohapi – Programme Manager at Outward Bound South Africa

Nthabiseng Mohapi is the Programme Manager at Outward Bound South Africa (OBSA). She started as a participant in 1997 and then began working for OBSA in 2000. Here is the the story of her Outward Bound journey in her own words:

The first time I came to Outward Bound was in 1997 as a participant on a 21-day programme.  I loved it so much that I came again in 1999 and I decided to apply to become an instructor while I was on that course.  On the last day of that course I was called in for my interview and a week later I was told that my application was a success and that I was to start my 2-year training programme in 2000.  The training programme was very challenging, but I learned a lot of things.  Coming from a rural African community I was not used to being outdoors and I had never hiked, camped or done water activities before.  Outward Bound taught me many skills and helped me to learn things about myself.  Through the challenges I grew mentally and emotionally; I would not change these life changing experiences for anything!  Most importantly, I learned not to give up when the going gets tough.  My community was involved in a lot of political violence and Outward Bound saved me from that environment.  I fell in love with Outward Bound, I am Outward Bound,  I love what Outward Bound stands for and that we change people’s lives for the better. We are there to tell young people that anything is possible and that you need to work hard and focus to achieve your goals and mission in life.  I would like to thank Outward Bound for helping me to achieve my full potential.  I am a true Outward Bounder.


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