About us / Our Story


We enable our member Schools to be more effective and more resilient and we promote and protect the Outward Bound name and trademark.


“We are all better than we know. If only we can be brought to realise this, we may never again be prepared to settle for anything else.”


This simple idea of our founder Kurt Hahn provides the guiding principle for all Outward Bound experiences.

Each Outward Bound course is much more than just learning technical skills; it is designed to be an incredible and indelible journey of personal development and discovery.



Outward Bound International oversees the network of licensed member Outward Bound Schools that make up the worldwide Outward Bound community.

This network consists of 38 independent Outward Bound Schools, in 35 countries, across 6 continents. For more information about Schools near you, please visit Our Schools.

We create lasting impact in the lives of our participants

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